With The Conscious Journal you will find your way and learn how to create your life consciously in practice. Step-by-step.
Second udpated edition
- Do you know a lot of theory and try hard, but in practice the change isn't coming?
- Don't know what you want from life and doubt your abilities?
- Do you feel that you are not really happy inside?

- It's not "just another journal" for planning, keeping memories, or having lots of blank pages for your own creation.
- It's your PERSONAL CONSCIOUS GUIDE to making truly lasting changes in yourself and your life.
Thanks to The Conscious Journal:
- You will undergo an inner transformation and begin to trust yourself, your abilities and your life.
- You will understand what you want from life and learn to consciously create it.
- You let go of old burdens and learn to handle even difficult situations with ease and perspective.
As of November 2022,
are already consciously creating their lives
The Conscious Journal just arrived at my home and I must say I am extremely surprised. 😍 I've been through a few motivational journals, but this is the one I've always wanted.❤️ It fulfils everything to consciously create reality, so I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to move up to another level in life. Thanks to every single person who worked on this Journal.🥰
Why live a conscious day?
Where attention goes, energy flows and it grows.
We don't know how to live in the present moment and enjoy the things and relationships we already have. We read about self-development, attend courses, "force" ourselves into meditation, and still have no idea what we can actually do to get out of the rut of "trying" for a better life. Yet the solution is at hand, we just need to pay attention to ourselves and our daily lives.
- You don't like what's going on in your life? The reality around you, relationships, finances... it's all a reflection of your inner world.
- So how do you deal with your daily feelings, desires, fears, anger, grievances and other inner experiences? Are you even aware of them, their real causes and their impact on your life? Or are you simply ignoring them?
- The more conscious attention you give to yourself and your life, the more knowledge and transformation of yourself and your life can occur and the more you can create your life in harmony with your feelings and truly live.
- On the contrary, the more you ignore yourself and operate on "autopilot", the more you unconsciously react to life and only survive.
You can go on forever taking more courses and reading more books on how to live better, but if you don't put the theory into your daily practice, nothing will happen. But if you do, your life will change beyond recognition...
How does The Conscious Journal work?
How can also your desire for real life come true?
During your trip with The Journal, you will gradually change the only thing you really can change — your attitude towards yourself and life. Everything else will happily follow.

- What you focus on, grows — The Journal will teach you the practice of keeping your attention in the present moment.
- You'll experience a lot of AHA moments and dissolve the illusions about what you've thought about yourself and your life so far.
- You'll unplug the autopilot, the old outlived programs of failure, non-consciousness, and the belief that you don't deserve better.
A few minutes a day
That's all it takes to live each day a little more consciously and start creating exactly the life you want.
Right here, right now.
You in the starring role
No guru or coach knows the answers to the most important questions in your life better than you. Find out for yourself what you really want, how to achieve it, and what will empower you along the way.
Your own pace
You have as much time as you really need for your trip with The Journal. You can go back to anything and let it affect you repeatedly.
Gradually you will recognize and eventually control your unconscious reactions and be master of the situation, no matter what.
What will your journey with The Conscious Journal be like?
What awaits you on the way to your inner transformation and conscious creation of life?
- First, The Journal will introduce you to the pillars of conscious living.
- It will guide you through 9 important changes.
- And then it will help you practically incorporate everything into your life within 90 days.
You don't need to know a lot of other theory. In this Journal, you will find everything you need to step on the path to yourself, your inner transformation and learning to live and create consciously.
It is believed that 21 days is enough to anchor a new habit. You give learning to live consciously a full 90 days for it to sink in even deeper and become part of your lifestyle.
Your journey is divided into three subsequent stages and individual topics, so that you are introduced to everything gradually and in context, and also have enough time to master everything.
Why do it anyway? Because your life and the joy of it are worth it.


You'll understand what's actually preventing you from living better and you'll get useful and practical tips for the next stages. For example:
- How to make your mind work for you?
- What is the one change that can free you from wallowing in your emotions?
- How can you help the principle of "beneficial imbalance" to consciously create what you desire in your life?

You will learn to direct your attention inward and listen to yourself and your feelings. In doing so, you will begin to uncover your life so far and become aware of who you really are and what you are actually living now, how you feel about it and what direction you wish to take next. At the same time, you will get to know the principles of conscious living and creating for everyday life.
- 9 steps on your journey of self-discovery that take you from your initial illusion of yourself and what you thought of yourself until now, to the first realizations and AHA moments that begin to change your attitude towards yourself and life.
- 29 questions that will guide you to your inner world and lead you to your self-knowledge.
- 13 practical tips to help you support your change in subsequent practice.

You will put into daily practice your insights from the two previous stages, i.e. your awareness, new perspectives on yourself and your life, and practical procedures for your change and conscious living. In doing so, you will begin to deepen your understanding of yourself and your life even further, and you will begin to change yourself and your life...
- 90 days of conscious creation that will teach you the practice of keeping your attention in the present moment. You will master your unconscious reactions and become master of the situation, no matter what. In doing so, you will become aware of your true abilities, understand life and learn to consciously create it in practice.
- 12 weekly stops to help you perceive your change and evaluate your next direction.
- 12 weekly challenges that allow you to expose yourself to new feelings and sensations, which may lead you to further interesting realizations and thus support your inner transformation.
Once you know your true power and master it, you will begin to attract what others call miracles into your life.

Who am I and what was my journey?
A man who decided to live and stop just "existing"
Hi, I'm Petr Vozák, a happy dad of two great boys and a husband to an amazing woman, and a few years back I realized that I'm not actually living, but surviving. I simply felt like I was operating on autopilot and living one day at a time.
- I longed to live differently but my attempts to change things always ended the same way... a few days of enthusiasm, trying, and then back to the old ways.
The turning point came when I realized on a deeper level that I first had to change myself "on the inside" in order to have a different life "out there".
Through my other life experiences, this practical conscious guide was born, in which I packed the best of my journey of self-discovery and learning to live consciously, and which can lead also you on the path of truly joyful living.
Like everyone, I still have a lot to learn, but I finally feel like I'm truly living. And you can too — you have everything you need within you, we all do...
How does The Conscious Journal help other people?
Let yourself be inspired by what can happen in your life, too...
It's great, I feel the improvement in myself every day. Little by little, it helps me change the way I think about myself, and thus improves my overall mood and psyche. And the fact that the attitude of those around me is changing is an imaginary icing on the cake. It's surprising how a journal can make life more beautiful and easier! ❤️
The Journal taught me step by step how I can consciously create my happiness in life and not be a victim of external circumstances. It helped me understand many things I hadn't thought about before and look deeper into my soul. Journaling helped me find a home within myself, and realize that I really can accomplish anything.
I have completed learning about a whole stage of my life, I feel great and despite my advanced age, I want to continue to develop myself. I know I can do it on my own, but I find this journal a very useful helper. I certainly came across the offer in the right moment. Thank you and I wish everyone a wonderful and successful start to the next time that is available for us ❤️🍀
The Journal is gentle, kind, radiates goodness and willingness to help. It's like my personal angel who accompanies me on my journey to conscious living.
The Journal is great! 😍 It helped me with my social phobia and it is half gone. It's a miracle if you really fill in day by day. 🥰 Thanks to The Journal, I have a great feeling of happiness even on days when fear still grips me. Thank you for it. 🙏
I must say that it opens vision and perception in a completely different way and changes helps in the most difficult moments...❤️
It's my best friend, it always brings me back to myself and I find many amazing solutions that I would not have discovered otherwise.
The Journal is carefully elaborated, making one to look deep inside oneself.
The Journal is beautifully done, I like the style in which it is written and that it is not just a book full of advice on how to live better, but a real work with oneself.
I like that it encourages small steps. I like the whole concept. And the fact that it's a three-month journey. I've started journaling many times before and it is difficult for me to maintain discipline, I need the guidance that The Journal offers.
The Conscious Journal is an amazing tool to help you on your journey through life. It helps you to become aware of your feelings, to feel yourself and to follow your dreams. As Thomas Carlyle said, "A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder." I wish you all to find what fulfils you in life, live your dreams and enjoy the present moments along the way.
The Conscious Journal just arrived at my home and I must say I am extremely surprised. 😍 I've been through a few motivational journals, but this is the one I've always wanted.❤️ It fulfils everything to consciously create reality, so I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to move up to another level in life. Thanks to every single person who worked on this Journal.🥰
How much money will The Conscious Journal cost you?
How much will you pay for your personal Conscious Guide?

By purchasing The Conscious Journal, you are not purchasing "another journal" to record memories, plan, make notes, or just for fun or your own creation.
You are getting your own personal conscious guide,
- that you can keep close at hand at all times.
- It will guide you on the path to yourself and the conscious creation of life.
- It will help you keep the right direction with appropriate questions.
It won't tell you what to do, but...
- It'll guide you to figure things out for yourself. Only then can you be sure that the steps you take will be the best ones for you.
- The value of the change in your life that you can carry out thanks to The Conscious Journal can be incalculable.
- With The Conscious Journal, you can get what you may have been missing all along in your quest for a better life — a personal assistant to guide you step by step through the transformation in practice.

You too can get your own personal conscious guide for just
23,90 €
And change the course of your life...
Plus you get the 3 free bonuses
They will give you the necessary support and motivation for your conscious journey
(In a nutshell)
An infographic that clearly summarizes the principles of a creative approach to living. It makes these pillars of conscious living really sink in.
A template to help you capture the essence of your intentions and to support your attunement and your inner confidence in their realization.
A map of your path with The Conscious Journal in which you can record your achievements. It will support you when you see what you have already accomplished.
The above comes along with the purchase of The Conscious Journal
How come The Conscious Journal can work for you, too?
What is it that you need for your conscious journey with The Journal?
- To start using The Conscious Journal, you don't need to have read a lot of books and taken a lot of courses on personal development and conscious living.
- Life is very simple. Your only task is to understand your own path and learn to walk it consciously.
- You will learn all the essentials right on the pages of The Journal, which will also help you put them into practice. This is thanks to its unique form of combining a book, a workbook and a journal itself.
- If you want to live better and are willing to do something about it, The Conscious Journal is for you too. You have everything you need within you, we all do.
However, The Conscious Journal is not for everyone...
The Conscious Journal is not for you if...
- You don't want to evolve and move forward in life.
- You don't want to take responsibility for your life and would rather continue to wallow in the role of a victim and blame "others" for everything.
- You expect to change yourself and your life on their own, without your input, and you are looking for a "magic pill". The Conscious Journal will set you on the right path of yours, but the necessary steps will already be up to you. So if you do nothing, nothing will change either.

What questions are running through your mind?
What else would you like to know about The Conscious Journal?
How long will The Conscious Journal last?
Can I start working with The Conscious Journal at any time or do I have to start on a specific date?
What if I've never journaled before? Can I do it?
What if I don't have time to keep a journal?
Can the whole family or my partner work with The Conscious Journal?
This is the opportunity to change the course of your life...
And if you long for a truly fulfilled life, The Conscious Journal is ready to help you:
- Step by step find the way to yourself
- Achieve your inner transformation
- Gain confidence in yourself, your abilities and your life
- Learn to handle even difficult situations with ease and perspective
- Consciously create your life in practice
The decision is yours. This path can lead you to the conscious creation of life...

Get a step-by-step guide to inner transformation and learn to consciously create your life in practice.
Get The Conscious Journal for just:
23,90 €
Plus 3 practical bonuses
And change the course of your life...
Created with love...
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