Who am I?

A person who decided to live and stop just "existing"

Hi, I'm Petr Vozák, a happy dad of two great boys and a husband to an amazing woman. I'm not a coach or a personal development guru. I love life and I try different approaches to living it joyfully and creating consciously in practice. In doing so, I find it fulfilling to share my experiences with others and show them a way to a joyful life.

Myself, I have achieved the inner transformation through the conscious approach to life and thus successfully broken out of the vicious circle of "attempts" for a better life.

Like everyone, I still have a lot to learn, but I finally feel that I'm truly alive. I have "packaged" the best of my conscious and creative journey into this project and The Conscious Journal, which can help anyone who opens up to this possibility...

Allow yourself to step onto the path of real living and start loving your life — you have everything you need within you.

What brought me in this journey?

The understanding that changed my whole outlook on life

For many years, I had a conventional job and was coming home before 6pm. I had a place to live, a mortgage, a family and I thought I was happy.

My understanding came after the birth of my second son, when I began to realize that my life was actually slipping through my fingers — most of the day I did something just for the money, I spent only a short time with my family in the evenings, and in the mornings I jumped back into the merry-go-round — it was like living one day over and over again.

I began to feel very strongly that I want to live differently — to do something that I would enjoy from my heart, to spend more time with my wife, sons, family, friends, and to feel truly happy inside regardless of material things and other external circumstances.

At that moment, I had no idea where to start and how to actually achieve it.

So I started, quite randomly, to absorb different information (i.e. books, videos, courses).

After its absorption, the same thing always happened — a wave of joy and determination, a few days of attempts to change something and the the return to the old ways.

The turning point came when I realized on a deeper level that I first have to change myself "inside" in order to have a different life "out there".

Until then, I hadn't paid much attention to my "inner world" (i.e. feelings, beliefs, blocks, fears).

Except for the morning meditation, I completely ignored my inner self during the day and approached everything superficially and unconsciously — I was simply operating on "autopilot", trying to change my outer world by force, independently of my attunement. The realization of this marked the beginning of my conscious journey....


Why does mindfulness help people live better?

Where attention goes, energy flows and it grows

How well will you understand a movie if you don't pay conscious attention to it when watching (e.g. because you're chatting with a friend)? What kind of experience will you get from the movie? And how do you think you will feel at the end of your life if you live superficially like this?

The more conscious attention you give to yourself and your life, the more knowledge and transformation of yourself and your life can occur, and the more you can create your life in accordance with your feelings and truly live.

On the contrary, the more you ignore yourself and operate on "autopilot", the more you react to life unconsciously and just "survive".

How do you deal with your daily feelings, desires, fears, anger and other inner experiences? Are you even aware of them, their real causes and their impact on your life?

How do you try to correct yourself and your life accordingly? If you ignore your inner self or "leave its symptoms untreated", how can you experience a long-term joy in life?

What was the creation process of The Conscious Journal like?

How the desire for real life became a reality

At the beginning of my conscious journey, there was my profound realization that I didn't really know myself and my life. I was always trying to change and pursue something, but I didn't even know why, or what I really wanted in life.

That's why I started spending more time with myself, asking myself different questions and thus uncovering who I am and what kind of life I actually live. This was followed by my desire to understand everything even more, and so my wife and I became conscious "observers" of what we each experience daily in ourselves and in our lives.

We were writing everything down, talking about it, experimenting and further refining our roles as observers. It was an exploration of ourselves. We enjoyed it immensely and, at the same time, it created a great opportunity for our partner communication. From the very first days, thanks to all this, we began to see the deeper connections between what we were experiencing inside and "out there" and started to have a completely different perspective on many things. New decisions, experiences and other new thoughts naturally resulted from our new attitudes... In short, we started a change in ourselves and thus also a change in our lives.

I then packaged the best of the whole conscious journey into The Conscious Journal, which can lead also you to truly joyful living.


Created with love...